BOLDART by Alla Boldina at Treniq - Art
BOLDART by Alla Boldina BOLDART is artist inspired and artist maintained store. BOLDART is about art that provokes, inspires, and intrigues. BOLDART is about unique and original artwork that makes a statement in any décor. BOLDART is about a customer satisfaction and dedication to superior service. BOLDART is about a professional collaboration with design professionals and art lovers. BOLDART is about art gone BOLD. BOLDART by Alla Boldina United States
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BOLDART by Alla Boldina

United States Seller

BOLDART is artist inspired and artist maintained store. BOLDART is about art that provokes, inspires, and intrigues.
BOLDART is about unique and original artwork that makes a statement in any
décor. BOLDART is about a customer satisfaction and dedication to superior
service. BOLDART is about a professional collaboration with design professionals and art lovers. BOLDART is about art gone BOLD.

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Boldart cover image

Alla Boldina

Pro User | USA
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Alla Boldina
2017 04 01 13.59.05

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